Bella's Choice Read online

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  She was graceful in movement and strength, not typical of a girl her age, so it caught his attention. She is definitely young, maybe eighteen, he thought. Maybe too young, but Tim had insisted he must meet this girl.

  “She’s really special,” he said.

  From Tim’s stories, she’d been practically raised by his parents.

  People gathered around, coming closer to the door to greet her, as Monica called out, “Anabella is here!” excited that her friend made it, making a big announcement of it. Apparently, everyone was glad about this news.

  Aldrich watched her carefully, his eyes curiously fixed on the young girl.

  “Come in, Anabella!” Monica greeted her with a big smile. “I am so glad you came.” She pulled her by the hand. “You look beautiful.”

  Monica welcomed her into the house, glad to see her friend. For the past few weeks, they had both been busy with studies and outdoor activities. Both were also on the Prefect list with their own assigned duties. Not much time was left for visits or chatting.

  Monica was also very attractive, but smaller build; slender. She was very blond. At first you would think it came from a bottle, but on closer inspection, she was all natural with big, blue eyes and a broad smile that reached her eyes.

  “Hi, my friend.” She hugged Anabella fiercely, joyful as she talked.

  “It’s lovely to see you again, thanks for the invite.”

  A beautiful smile adorned her face, two identical dimples appeared in her cheeks, and Aldrich believed that it was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. His interest was growing rapidly.

  “Hi, Mr. and Mrs. Richter, how are you?” She looked at Monica’s parents, reaching for their hands.

  “Very well,” replied Mr. Richter. “Tomorrow is the big day, hey?” Mr. Richter continued, squeezing her hand. “I know it will go well for you. The gold medal is practically yours as I see it. It is only a formality. You have put in the time and effort. We will be watching it on TV tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, Mr. Richter, I appreciate the confidence you have in me. I hope to make you all proud.” A light blush appeared on her cheeks, enhancing the young, oval face.

  Monica plucked at Anabella’s sleeve. “Come, Anabella, I want you to meet Tim’s friend, Aldrich.”

  Anabella turned to face him. Her mouth became dry, and her heart stopped for a second. This must be the hunk, she contemplated her friend’s words as she continued chattering away.

  “They work together at the same firm in the city.”

  She looked at the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. She had to look up at him, and although she was five-foot-ten, he was still taller. Short, dark, golden-blond hair cut in the latest fashion crowned his head. He had big, sea-blue eyes. He was not a typical pretty boy, but a man with a firm jawline and rugged face. The shadow of day-old stubble made its appearance in a sexy manner. Charming character was written all over him, as well as experience in life; his lifelines a giveaway. Yet, he had a softness about him that made her want to step into his embrace and hug him, like a big teddy bear. Everything about him looked inviting to her.

  I would love to be hugged by him, she thought, and almost giggled but covered it just in time. He had broad, straight shoulders that said lean on me. He was solid all right, and she bet that his clothes disguised muscles all over.

  Sea-blue and emerald eyes met, and Anabella felt weak at the knees at the interested look he gave her. Throughout her young life, she had seen many men walk through the door of her parents’ house. Pretty and handsome ones, her mother’s favorite kind, but empty shells all the same; things in men that turned her off completely. But this man looked at her as if he saw her―past her outward appearance and at the real person―and that was a welcome first.

  She knew she was beautiful. Many people had told her so, but somehow, under his gaze, she felt stunning and a warm feeling nestled in her belly.

  A bit old for me, but very attractive, she thought and smiled at him, not the dimpled-smile previously given to her friends, but enough for Aldrich to have a good look at.

  And as soon as he’d seen that look, he’d immediately been in the mood for strawberries and cream, his favorite dessert. The rich velvet texture of the cream mixed with the sweet, pink fruit had always appealed to him. She reminded him of that, all velvety sweetness, and he smacked his lips. A soft smile appeared on his very lush lips.

  This was the first time Anabella had felt this way about any man. She had never experienced weak knees, or a racing heart for the opposite sex. In fact, because of her parents’ lifestyle she saw men as self-absorbed and horny, only interested in one thing. With this man, it was different. She felt safe, not wanting to run as far as possible. Yet, she hadn’t even spoken to him and already she felt a certain way about him. In fact, she wanted to get even closer.

  Her innocence and shyness caused her to look away when she caught the smile on his face. In turn, he was feeling a bit out of place, but he returned her gaze. He could tell she was aware of his gaze by the constant blush on her cheeks. He did not reveal anything but a good dose of curiosity, and a beautiful smile.

  With a deep, strong voice he greeted her, taking her hand in his. “Hello, sweetheart,” he said. The endearing word fell naturally from his lips.

  She nodded and greeted him as if it was the most natural thing to do. “Aldrich, pleased to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart.”

  She looked up at him and saw a spark of approval in his eyes. His hands were muscular and calloused, not the hands of an office jock.

  He was self-assured, and confidence oozed out of him. As he spoke, his voice resembled the sound of a summer rain rumbling. It made her tingle all over and those eyes… she could disappear into them. She let go of his hand as she smiled, not too sure what to reply, and looked around the room for her friend who had left her right after the introduction.

  Before long, she returned her gaze to him. His closeness affected her heart rate greatly, his presence sent out rays of calmness that filtered through her, and she felt at ease next to him.

  Mr. Richter came in with drinks and a glass of orange juice on a tray, offering it to Anabella and Aldrich. They turned as he spoke from behind them, forcing them to break the gaze they had been sharing for a few minutes, though they were still very much aware of each other.

  “Something to drink, Aldrich? Here is your orange juice, Anabella.”

  Both reached out, Anabella taking the orange juice, and Aldrich the drink offered to him.

  “Thanks, sir. Can I help with the tray?” Aldrich offered.

  “It’s fine,” he replied, placing the tray in the hands of his son who had just joined them.

  “This is a girl to watch on TV tomorrow, Aldrich,” Mr. Richter said proudly.

  Anabella couldn’t help but blush; she was never one for much attention.

  “Tomorrow, she will bring a gold medal or two back for swimming. As a community, we are very proud of her accomplishments.” Admiration was evident on Mr. Richter’s face when he looked at her.

  For a moment, Anabella thought about her parents, who didn’t care or ever speak to her in the same manner as Mr. Richter. They never gave her any attention. As parents, they missed it completely. For a fleeting moment, a sad look appeared in her eyes, a look that Aldrich didn’t miss before the sparkle returned.

  Aldrich wondered what could have upset this vibrant girl. The air around her was filled with energy and excitement; so why then the brief sadness? He knew very little about her, but he wanted to be the one who could wipe that sadness away. He wanted to know more.

  “Thanks, Mr. Richter, you are very kind. Now I know I have to bring back the gold medal,” Anabella replied softly, the blush still on her cheeks. She could feel Aldrich’s gaze and looked away, hoping to find Monica somewhere in the room. However, she was nowhere to be seen.

  “I only say it because it is true, Anabella. You have worked hard.”

  “Thank you, sir.” She accepted the praise, taking a sip of her orange juice in an attempt to swallow past the lump in her throat.

  “It is a lovely evening, spring is in the air; I can smell it. Let’s go outdoors, tables and chairs have already been put outside. Make yourselves comfortable and enjoy the evening,” Mr. Richter said to the group.

  “I know I will enjoy the evening,” said Aldrich, and he looked down at Anabella.

  A pleased look appeared in those big, blue eyes as she spoke to Mr. Richter. “Thanks again, sir.”

  Anabella looked up to find Aldrich’s gaze on her. A delighted chill ran down her spine. His words had sounded like a promise of enjoyment―only meant for her.

  Mr. Richter chuckled, adding playfully, “Enjoy, you two.”

  Aldrich grinned with delight, taking a sip of his drink.

  The blush on her face said it all.

  Chapter Two

  Everyone turned and made their way out to the patio. Aldrich and Anabella found themselves at the back of the group, waiting patiently for them to go through the patio doors. He moved forward, pressing against her. His body heat surrounded her and Anabella could pick up his cologne; spicy with a hint of sea breeze. She inhaled with pleasure, fully aware of the man directly behind her.

  Aldrich himself found it hard to think of anything else for some reason. He was attracted to the young girl. It was just not his style to be interested in a mere child, but she intrigued him. Her innocence was a thing of beauty. There was also something else, a sadness she carefully hid from everyone, but it drew him to her.

  He wanted to shield her, his hands almost reaching to touch her and hold her safe. The last time he felt this kind of protectiveness was when he’d been married all those years ago. Since then, he hadn’t fel
t it with any other woman. She was a young girl trapped in a woman’s body, with no idea of where she belonged.

  Instead of giving in to the need to touch her, he bent over and asked in a low voice, “How old are you?”

  “Eighteen.” She was self-assured but careful. She turned and saw his lips up close and wondered how they would taste. As he talked, a mere thought flashed through her mind, images of other lips throwing kisses her way invaded her head. She closed her eyes, willing the visions to disappear.

  When she looked up, his eyes held a question, and she knew that she was staring. A blush formed over her cheeks with the shame and guilt she felt over the thoughts she was conjuring about him. He is not like my parents, she reminded herself impatiently.

  He gave her a broad smile, but asked her ordinary questions. Her age was not an issue at that moment. She relaxed. She hadn’t realized how nervous she was, and it helped that his questions were calming, deflecting her knotted nerves.

  “In what events will you compete?”

  “The two-hundred meter backstroke, butterfly, and relay.”

  “I will definitely make some time to watch, sweetheart,” he said softly, touching her arm as they moved forward.

  “Thank you.” She liked the endearment and smiled, turning back to step outside.

  Yes, I will definitely make some time. He watched as she walked in front of him with a gentle sway to her hips, appreciating her slender body.

  Once outside, he led her to an unoccupied chair where she sat down, bending shapely legs under her. He sat directly in front of her, his eyes never wavering, even though it seemed she was not aware of him.

  Anabella was aware; the butterflies in her tummy told her he was watching her every move. Even when Mr. Richter and Tim spoke to him, she could still feel his gaze on her, sipping away at his drink. His posture was relaxed and at ease. He knew the family well she realized as she watched him listen to Mr. Richter with keen interest.

  Sometimes, she turned to Monica and her other friends to talk to them, only to look back at him. Each time she found his eyes on her and a smile playing on his lips. She wasn’t uncomfortable under his stare; she rather enjoyed his blunt way of looking at her.

  Anabella wished she was a bit more outgoing in order to speak to him, but she didn’t know what to say. She knew he was a lawyer at a successful firm, but other than that she knew nothing about him. This was something she wanted to change, but her shyness prevented her from speaking freely, and then there was the age difference.

  He was out of her league; no way would he find her fascinating. She couldn’t understand why she felt so uneasy about it. There were many couples whose age difference wasn’t a problem. Her parents were an example. Her mother and father differed in age by fifteen years and they had a ‘happy’ marriage. If you could call what they had a marriage―it worked for them.

  So far, he was keeping his distance. On the one hand, she appreciated it but on the other, she loved the idea of getting to know him better.

  What could I offer a man like him? Her attention was drawn to him regularly, distracting her from her own conversation. He looked intelligent, sharp, missed nothing and was almost intimidating as she watched him casually. He was surely a worthy opponent in the court room. His confidence held great appeal to her. There was something about him that captivated her curiosity.

  Aldrich was also lost in his own thoughts. He was thinking of their age difference and the obstacles it presented. Eighteen was still very young. At thirty, he was ready to settle down. He watched her chatting with her friends. They had nothing in common, and her entire life was still in front of her. Yet he found himself intrigued, especially by the sad look he’d seen for a fleeting moment. Then, of course, there was the whole innocence factor. She was untouched by a man. The way she blushed at his remarks, her loss for words; if he wanted to know her better it had to come from him. The question was: did he need that in his life?

  When he looked at her once again, his eyes taking in the full splendor of the young woman, the decision was very clear to him. He would make the effort. There was something about her that kept his interest.

  However, he would have to be patient. Although her innocence was appealing to him, it could create problems. She was not like the typical girls her age. Her eyes gave away a sense of maturity he didn’t expect from a girl this young. She had a look that said she had seen it all before and it made him curious.

  Her actions said she was new to love from a man. Maybe it was his lawyer instinct, but he could pick up that all was not well with her.

  Monica made sure everyone had a good time. She was always the heart of any party, and as a good host her timing was impeccable.

  She turned to Tim and motioned for him to put some music on. Almost immediately, Butterfly Kisses filled the night sky from the speakers in the corner. Monica made her way to Aldrich, and asked him for a dance. She knew him well and really liked him as a friend. It was why she’d known she just had to arrange a party for her two friends to meet. When she mentioned it to Tim, he agreed that it would be a splendid idea, but he also offered a warning. She would need to tread carefully and not push anything. Allow them to find themselves without any pressure from her. Reluctantly she had agreed, and so far it was working out wonderfully.

  He smiled when she stood in front of him asking for a dance. He stood up, accepting her invitation. She led him to the floor and he followed, taking her in his arms―not too close―but with a comfortable space between them, simply enjoying the song. At one point, when they were next to Anabella’s chair, Monica reached out to grab her friend’s hand.

  Startled at the sudden touch, Anabella looked at her, then at him.

  Monica pulled her up, placing her hand in Aldrich’s and smiled.

  Aldrich immediately picked up on what Monica was doing and took over with a grin. He really didn’t need help from an eighteen-year-old in this department, but appreciated the gesture. He pulled Anabella closer to him, one hand lightly touching her lower back, the other engulfing her right hand as they danced away.

  They were both good dancers and their feet moved in synchronization with the music, melting together. At first, she was surprised but didn’t mind the closeness. Willingly, she drew closer as they danced, her lips close to his neck where she could see his pulse beat in the hollow of his neck. He smelled so good.

  She wondered how it would feel to kiss him there. Heat rushed through her whole body. As if he could hear her musings, he pulled her in closer. She fitted perfectly in his arms. Her hand on his shoulder held him gently.

  As the second song continued, they didn’t part. If someone had asked them what the song was called, they would not have been able to recall it. Anabella tried hard not to think too much; simply enjoying the closeness and the feeling of safety he created. His heat was intoxicating, and she couldn’t help but brush the part of his skin just above the collar of his shirt with her fingers.

  He looked down at her, her emerald eyes were glowing. He leaned in, their cheeks touching, and she sighed softly, laying her head on his shoulder. It was amazing how comfortable they felt with each other, no words necessary to break the silence.

  His hands were warm and gentle, the one on her lower back caressing her softly; the same soft, gentle touch she bestowed on him was evidently being returned. During the last song, he encircled her with both his arms, surrounding her.

  Through hazy eyes, she looked at her arm around his neck, noticing the time on her watch. It was already nine-fifteen. She had to leave, but her body was sending out different messages than what her mind told her. Finally, she whispered in his ear to let her go as she needed to leave.

  “I must go,” she said softly. He turned and looked at her, his blue eyes darker yet soft; she could melt into them. She would love to explore this more, but it couldn’t be, not now anyway.

  He pulled her in even closer, and in a husky voice whispered, “I would love to get to know you better.” Reluctantly, he released her.

  She wasn’t sure she had heard him correctly, but the mere idea of him wanting to know her caused her heart to skip a beat.

  The few minutes they shared together were overwhelming. He’d never thought this could happen to him.